Chile was a colony from Spain for three centuries, when Spain was the most important empire of the world. But in 1810 the most important families formed the first autonomous government in Santiago of Chile, and then it become a free country like Argentina. This fact was the most important of the history of Chile, because began the war of independency and finally the formation of one nation, first from Copiapó until Concepcion, and then from Arica until Punta Arenas. This year the Chilean people remembered and celebrate this fact that began our independency and nationality.
I think that this year was special because we had great disasters like, earthquake and tsunami in the center-south of Chile, then the 33 miners underground, and then Mapuche and Rapa Nui conflicts. In the other hand, we had the South Africa 2010 football world cup, where Chile participated and give much happiness in the first half of the year. In spite of these antecedents and its consequences, like social and economic problems, the Chilean people have celebrated the bicentenary with four free days, and many activities in all year.
In the second half of this year, the TV and the government promoted the learning of the history, nationality and culture from Chile. For these reasons, the TV programs were made about significant facts of the national history, like the Independency, Pacific War, and the social conflict at 1973. On other hand, the culture was promoted with government programs, with focus on the tradition, native people, and the contemporany society. For example, the “bicentenary person” was a government program from the Culture department. This program searched the person that made a most important contribution to the country.
My conclusion is that ideas like unification or nationality were stronger after to disasters of the first term. Also were important the history and culture subjects. In the 2010 we have viewed that Chile is a country with many cultures and great socioeconomic differences. However, we have joined stood to disasters, we meet for the celebrations and solidarity causes. I think that was a complex year, with many difficulties and social problems, but that the Chilean people could overcome.