jueves, 11 de noviembre de 2010


I think that Mapuches conflict is several problem in our society, because they are constitution members and Chilean people for then they have all right when cry this historical demands. I think that his problem is a historical subject, and is very difficult take a radical position.
The most important problem is the earth restitution; this point is the national discussion. In this problem the government solutions has been insufficient, and the walk is very difficult, because the government sometimes forget that the Mapuches society is a ancestry culture which has lived for many centuries and which have its culture regulations . For example many politic people think that the few solutions to problem is the absence of person (or group), with authority on the Mapuches communities, but this conceptions is not possible because the Mapuches people only has a local authorities and chose a great authority in specifics situations. Then is necessary take conscience about the great Mapuches world, and in the specific subjects about it, like political-economy, relationships, preferences about to solutions, conceptions about the earth.
I think that the Mapuches trying to solve its problems to pacify make, but the little coverage of TV and newspaper about to pacify solutions between government authorities and Mapuches authorities, we do not see it. In contraposition the TV and newspaper take more attention in the conflict when have conflicts between policy and Mapuches, that is when do not have appeases solutions.
I believe which a tool for the solutions of the many problems and conflicts about the Mapuches is the use to academic knowledge, that is , use the work about to anthropology, because is very important have the perspective of the Mapuches, know his world, his social demands and, expectative and priorities about the solutions. In this point I think that the first step must be to government, and return to academic knowledge like support of the social political.

3 comentarios:

  1. hooray for anthropology! xD It's true that more knowledge could lead to a better understanding between both parts, but it takes a long time and a lot of effort... I hope that some day the long waited solution finally arrives.

  2. I agree with you, academic knowledge could be a good solution to this conflict... well, especially anthropologist knowledge! I never think it that solution, but it's really good, and of course it's important and necessary in this ancestry conflict...

  3. mario necesito hubicarte.. ese dia no me diste tu numero y hoy como hubo paro no se si vas a ir a la uniersidad o no... avisam, llamame! porque yo estoy en mi casa y no se si iras tu po.
