I think that the 33 miners underground was a break new that we feel in our hearts: when we knew the new that they are underground because to collapsed mine (San José), and when the 33 miners were find, the Chilean people was overjoyed by the new of that they are live. Personally, I believed that they have died, because arrived the second week and don’t have news of that they are live, but my opinion changed, and I feel admiration, joy and returned my hope in their rescue. The last new, that they are live, is the reason that has been in a long time to Chile in the World attention.
I think that the political attitude of the government has been proper, because they has gaved all their economic and technical effort for: comunication with 33 miners, and the rescue of them. But, personally, I concidered that the responsibility in all works (comunication and rescue) made by the government, should to be made by the San José company, because hasn’t been present in the develop of this new.
The press attention has been good since the first moment and develop its. The press was worry for the family of the 33 miners, names, works, company responsabilities, and the potencial solutions of the government. I think that the press work was good and correct. But I think that the last time the write press and TV, have changed their conception of the problem and tragedy, to a conception of “reality show”, where shows all cotidianity of the miners, they are visted for many famous people, with presents, (…). I concidered that the tragedy news is now a famous new where don’t respect the intimity and real problem of the miners. The new is now more a economic publicity.
I think that the political attitude of the government has been proper, because they has gaved all their economic and technical effort for: comunication with 33 miners, and the rescue of them. But, personally, I concidered that the responsibility in all works (comunication and rescue) made by the government, should to be made by the San José company, because hasn’t been present in the develop of this new.
The press attention has been good since the first moment and develop its. The press was worry for the family of the 33 miners, names, works, company responsabilities, and the potencial solutions of the government. I think that the press work was good and correct. But I think that the last time the write press and TV, have changed their conception of the problem and tragedy, to a conception of “reality show”, where shows all cotidianity of the miners, they are visted for many famous people, with presents, (…). I concidered that the tragedy news is now a famous new where don’t respect the intimity and real problem of the miners. The new is now more a economic publicity.
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