martes, 22 de junio de 2010
Good Experience
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010
South Africa 2010

I think the world cup is a social event of great magnitude, in which increase nationalism. The World Cup represents the struggle with other countries through football. It is interesting to see how football fans will do everything for going to South Africa.
I love football. I have seen all 2010 qualifying matches. I like to watch the matches of the Chilean national team, but I do not like the matches of tournament national club.
I will see the matches of Chile in my house with my best friend. All parties that we have seen Chile has never lost, so it's a sort of habit. I am considering the possibility of seeing the game on Monday 21 in the University, because that day we have an important class and for reasons of time I would be more comfortable. For Friday's match at 2:30 PM I would see the party in my house, because my classes will finish to mid day.
The participation of the Chilean team is with high expectations, because the team has a good offensive game, introduced several players from European football and was second in qualifying behind the first: Brazil
Chile is in Group H with Honduras, Switzerland and Spain. The Chilean team lost meet all these teams, but I am optimistic and I think that they can win. Switzerland and Honduras are found as the main rivals.
Possible victories of Chilean team are important because the great majority of the people will be with so much attention in each World Cup match. I stress that there is great joy when the team wins, but is very sad when they loses. The matches are very good for to meet with family, friends, and compatriots to see the World cup and enjoyed in company.
jueves, 10 de junio de 2010

This photo shows dolphins from Japan. This is one of the many photos taken by Greenpeace during the twentieth century. I don’t know the name of the person who took the original photo, but I know that it was taken in collaboration between Greenpeace and the BBC of London, for the making of the documental “The Cove”, directed by Louie Psihoyos.
This picture shows the slaughter of dolphins in 2008 in the southern coast of Taijii, Japan. In this place fishers round up dolphins on rock formations, where they select some dolphins of them for captivity (Aquarius), but the great majority will become food, dolphin oil, and even an alternative medicine.
This bad ecological practice of Japanese businessmen may produce an ecological imbalance in the ecosystem of the Asian coast. The constant slaughter of this species could easily end up with their extinction. Today the river dolphins and other species are endangered.
Other thing that the picture shows is the cruelty of the fishers.
Although in reserves there could be find dolphins (common, of river, and other species), over 89% have disappeared over the twentieth century, specifically the river dolphin species. The reasons for its extinction are many: environmental pollution, overfishing and the alternative medicine purposes on Japan and China.
One of the intentions of this picture is to associate it with the documental of BBC of London: "The Cove”, which shows the dolphin slaughter process in the fishing boats.
I choose this picture because it shows what is really happening and also aware us about the cruelty and great damage that some fishers and businessmen produce. Also we must be aware of environmental pollution and endangered species.
martes, 1 de junio de 2010

My favorite trip was when I visited the city of Valdivia five years ago. I went there because I took part in a National Congress of Science and Technology organized by Explora Conicyt. I traveled with two friends from my Highschool on Arica. We were the regional winners with our scientific proyect: “Boron effects on Drosophila melanogaster”.
We stayed two weeks in Valdivia. The first day we visited the University, and there the organizers gave us a tour at the "botanical park”. We met many other young people from different regions who also went to the Congress. The organizers took us to multiple archeological sites, the theater, dances and exhibitions, but the best of all was a big party on a boat in the Calle Calle river. On the second day we discussed our project. The Congress Final was on the weekend, and unfortunately we lost on the last stage. But the experience was great; we met winners of the National Science Award, and also enjoyed fun excursions to the Corral beach, and to museums or monuments of the city, like the Marquéz Castle. We started to really enjoy the trip on the second week; we went to Niebla, were we camped for three days, we sail on the Calle Calle river and we visited villages in the region until we went out of money.
I really ejoyed this trip (although we didn't win), because I was with my best friends. In this trip we took the decision of study at the same University. We have been friends for 14 years.